Digital Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

The practice of harvesting the land to feed communities is as old as civilization. As long as people need to eat, there will be a market to exchange food and the ingredients that literally give us the sustenance of life. Yet until very recently, the agriculture industry has escaped the interest of non-conventional investors: despite […]

Rethink Food: Gro Intelligence, Accounting for Climate Change

Menker’s current big concern—“I have new nightmares now”—is rising food inflationas countries including Russia, Ukraine, Argentina and Indonesia raise taxes or limit exports on products like wheat, palm oil and corn to protect domestic supplies. Still, she is fundamentally hopeful. “If you think about so many of the world’s challenges today, it’s about this tension between ecological preservation and economic growth,” she says. “That tension doesn’t need to be there, and I’m hoping that one of the things that we do is find a way to reconcile that.”

Rethink Food: Opinion | Let’s Launch a Moonshot for Meatless Meat

I’m a vegan, but I’m also a realist. There’s no chance humanity is going to give up meat, en masse, anytime soon. That said, we can’t just wish away the risks of industrial animal agriculture. If we don’t end this system, soon, terrible things will happen to us and to the planet. Terrible things are already happening.